What do I expect from the MP?
1. First and foremost, ensure that the police force is happy, healthy and gets the salary on time. Once the basic needs of the police force are taken care of the security and law enforcement will automatically improve.
1. First and foremost, ensure that the police force is happy, healthy and gets the salary on time. Once the basic needs of the police force are taken care of the security and law enforcement will automatically improve.
2. Put in place a good infrastructure with a vision. That is, when a newly built road is scraped and dug, we feel cheated. This should not happen when we are spending crores of tax payers hard earned money to build good roads. The MP should ensure accountabilty of the allotted budget.
3. Accountability for the Toll collection on the highways. If you are charging people for certain facilities, the least you can do ensure these facilities are atleast there! There are 2-wheelers in the middle of the highway, bullock carts, tractors driving on the wrong side of the road, farmers spreading out the cut crops on the roads for vehicles to crush them etc. And then we wonder why do accidents take place on the highways.
4. Ensure all schools that fall under his control, have proper washrooms! No two ways about it. This is a major factor for girl students dropping out of schools. Before we pass bills like Right to Education bill, we need to address the issues leading to poor attendance.
5. Lead the people towards sustainable development. Take necessary steps to help people understand the need to maintain a healthy balance between nature and human development, protect and respect the bio-diversity around them.
These are just a few issues which I feel should be one of the priority tasks. Also, one need not be armed with degrees and medals from prestigious colleges. S/he just needs a sensible outlook, a conviction to work with integrity, and faith that sincere efforts do pay off well.
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